The department responsible for creating and enforcing to sell ABC license in California is the California Department of Alcoholic Beverages, a government agency. ABC has three distinct areas. The first is licensing, which is mainly concerned with giving someone the right to sell alcoholic beverages and follow procedures. The second area is administration and is concerned with more complex cases. In the case of a denied to sell ABC license, applicants can request a hearing with an administrative judge to speak in their case. The last area is compliance – a branch that aims to ensure that those eligible to sell alcohol continue to comply with the rules once their application is approved. Read below to learn the three main areas of remaining ABC compliant in the state of California if you want to sell ABC license, as well as the consequences of being non-compliant under your liquor license.

To remain compliant in the state of California under your granted liquor license is straightforward. To maintain your liquor license, you must adhere to the following guidelines:

Minimum Age to Sell ABC License Staff

In California, the personnel selling alcohol must be at least 18 years of age or older. Minors can sell alcohol if consumed outdoors while the manager is present.

Limitations to Patrons

Companies can’t sell alcohol to people under the age of 21. Still, it is also prohibited to sell alcohol to persons considered “clearly intoxicated” or known to have abused alcohol regularly. Companies should train staff to be aware of too drunk patrons and cut off their supply if needed.

Driving While Under the Influence

Another famous California alcohol law states that drunk people can’t drive. While specific restrictions vary by age and origin, the fact remains that drunk driving penalties can be very harsh, especially if the driver is involved in a traffic accident. However, there is a precedent in which an employer is responsible for an employee’s drinking in California. If an employer gives an employee alcohol and they drive drunk, the employer can be found liable. If there is an incident or an accident, then that constitutes more legal trouble for the employer.

Consequences of Violating ABC laws

In addition to losing their licenses, those who violate ABC laws may face additional consequences such as massive fines. However, they are also allowed to attend a hearing before an administrative judge.

Have More Questions about Sell ABC License Compliance?

Choosing to apply for an ABC license and allowing guests to drink alcohol in your establishment can be a great way to grow your business and attract more customers. But if not done correctly and if you are not careful, the process can be much more complicated, costly, and demoralizing than you think. Bay Area Escrow can answer any questions or concerns you may have about ABC compliance and liquor licensing. Whether you are a new business or are in the process of obtaining the California ABC license, we can help. If you’re ready to schedule our services, give us a call at (925) 831-9099!