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If you’re selling a houseboat yacht, or other boat, you’ll want to attract buyers as efficiently as possible, and have a smooth transaction for the best available price. You may be wondering “What things can I do to make selling my boat as easy and lucrative as possible?”

You may want to let your boat go fast for a down payment on a new boat. Or maybe you just don’t have time to mess around hoping it’ll sell itself. Luckily, you’re not the first person to be in this position, and some great advice has gathered in various corners of the internet and down at the docks. Here are some useful tips we’ve heard in response to “How can I make selling my boat as simple and lucrative as possible?”

Easy Things You Can Do To Sell Your Boat

Among the simplest tasks that make a big difference:

  • Turn it on- an hour before showing the boat, go turn on the engine and let her warm up. This’ll make her start up smoother during the showing. Even if the engine is reliable, you don’t want your start-up in front of the buyer to be the first in a while.
  • If there are cloudy curtains or panels, take them down for the showing. No curtain is better than a gross curtain.
  • Use a spray-on furniture polish on surfaces where it makes sense. Keeping a good shine and getting the dust off with make the whole boat seem cleaner.
  • Limit guest on the sea trial, so that the boat can move a bit faster and handle better than it would weighed down. This also lets the buyer get to know your boat without feeling crowded.
  • Gather your papers: put the title, registration, insurance, maintenance records, and anything else you have in a binder together. This demonstrates that you’ve been a responsible owner and taken care of her.
  • Look online at similar yachts or boats and see what they’re selling for. This can help guide you in naming your price.
  • Do not tell prospective buyers what other buyers have offered you, or what the lowest price you’re willing to accept is. Tell them how much you want for it, and that you’re willing to hear offers if you are. That’s all they need to know.
  • Buyers will ask why you’re selling. Have your answer ready, and make sure it’s because you’re needs have changed, not your boat’s ability to meet your needs.
  • Make sure you actually get paid- do not accept checks, money orders, or anything that can be falsified. Use a reputable escrow service to ensure that your transaction goes as planned.

With More Effort Comes More Gain

These will take a bit more attention, but will really pay off.

  • Market it: place ads in papers, always including a picture if you can, and you might even put it on a lot near a highway for more exposure. If your boat is a harder-to-find sort, advertise to far away places that someone might visit from to see your boat.
  • Get a professional marine survey done. A serious buyer will ask for this anyway, so might as well get it out of the way.
  • Get your stuff out. This one is kind of obvious, but create spaciousness and remove your personality from the equation by getting your belongings out. Empty your closets and stowage areas. But not just your personal things, clear out *everything* you can find a place for- even things that you might give to the new owner if they’re not worth looking at. You can put the toilet paper and cleaning supplies back later.
  • Do a deep cleaning: Have your boat professionally detailed if it’s relatively new or in excellent condition. Compound-out rust stains bleeding from fittings, re-tape shredded boot stripe, degrease the engine, clean the bilge, etc. Air out the cabin and do other chores that will reduce her “used” look.
  • Repaint any chipped paint, whether inside or outboard.

Knowing that your boat will sell, and sooner rather than later with these tips, now’s a great time to contact a reliable escrow service like Bay Area Escrow. Call us today so that you’re ready when the buyer says yes. 925-831-9099