
Understanding the Residential Escrow Process

Understanding the Residential Escrow Process

Now that the average price of a house in the United States exceeds $374,000, understanding the residential escrow process is important. Most people know that you’ll need to know how much you can afford, have a steady income, and have good credit. But many...
What Are Bulk Sales?

What Are Bulk Sales?

The world of real estate has its own vernacular that can confuse those who have not had experience buying or selling property. Often the phrasing of real estate transactions can be confusing as well, such as the term “short sale.” Someone who might not be...
Answering Questions About Escrow

Answering Questions About Escrow

Wondering what you need to know about escrow? Buying a home or business is an exciting time, but it also involves many steps, which means it can be stressful too. One of the first things is to get your finances in order so you can open an escrow account for the big...
Tips on Becoming a Business Owner in Danville

Tips on Becoming a Business Owner in Danville

Starting a business can be very exciting and challenging at the same time. But in order to get your idea off the ground, there are some things you need to consider before diving into it. Your business should have a name, a budget, and a marketing plan. You will also...
Is it Time to Sell Your Business?

Is it Time to Sell Your Business?

When you’re a business owner and have been running your business for a while, you may start thinking about selling it. Commercial escrow San Francisco consultants are often asked by their clients when they should sell their company. If you’ve never been a business...