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If you plan on selling alcoholic beverages in the state of California, then you’re going to need an ABC license for your business before you can get started. Selling alcohol can be a lucrative venture, but it requires a little  forethought to make sure you’re operating within the law. Keep in mind that each state has its own rules and regulations regarding the sale of alcohol.  If you’ve never gone through the steps of an ABC license transfer, these are some things you need to know about the process of applying for a liquor license in California.

Liquor License Categories

There’s more than one type of license when it comes to selling alcohol, so one of the first steps is to determine which kind of license is necessary. Of course, if you’re taking over a business and making an ABC license transfer, then you may already understand what’s required to move forward. But if not, you’ll need to be aware of the different options, such as on-sale vs off-sale.

On-Sale License

An on-sale license is needed for business owners who intend to sell alcohol that will be consumed on-site. For example, at bars, clubs, and restaurants.

Off-Sale License

On the other hand, an off-sale license is for business owners who want to sell alcohol that will be consumed at another location. This includes businesses like grocery stores or liquor shops.

Categories, Categories, Categories!

And it doesn’t end there. There are also a variety of other sub categories to choose from, including a Beer and Wine Liquor License, a Server License, a Brewery License, Tavern Liquor License, or All Liquor License. These are some of the most common options you’re likely to see with an ABC license transfer.

Rules and Requirements

California has its own rules regarding the sale of alcoholic beverages, but don’t forget that there are also federal requirements in place as well. Additionally, an ABC license transfer can be costly, so you will need to establish an escrow account to manage the financial aspect. Another important aspect of this process to be aware of is that as a new business owner, you will need to provide a notice of intent to sell alcohol. This document goes to the County Recorder in the appropriate county.

You can begin the application process online by using the Alcoholic Beverage Control’s website. To apply for a new license, use this link to get started. You will also find more details about liquor license fees and application requirements.

Liquor License Transfers

While the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control sets rigorous standards for the sale of alcohol, you should be able to navigate the process with the right information. The closing of a liquor license escrow is completed once the license has been transferred.

If you have any doubts or questions, contact us at Bay Area Escrow. We’ve been through this process before and we’re here to help. Our office can be reached at (925) 831-9099, or simply fill out this contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.